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Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes 9-4-2012
Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes

September 4, 2012

The meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m.

Present:          P. Murphy, C. Keville and G. Thompson
Chairman: B. Kelley
Old Business:
        Hearing on 121 High Road. - postponed 10/2/2012 – proposal sent  
                Two emails were presented to the board.  The board voted unanimously that values for fiscal year 2013 would be released to the public after approval from the Department of Revenue.  This usually occurs in mid – December.

        Re-Organization of office – The job descriptions were reviewed.

Normal Business:                                                                

  • Minutes- The minutes for the August 21st meeting were read.  Signing was postponed to a future meeting.                                 
  • Monthly Manager’s Meeting update - Next meeting 9/12/2012 10:00 a.m. at the Library. Chuck Kostro will discuss retirement.
  • ATB - 3 35th Street – hearing dated 10/9/2012 – Carrie will ask Sandy if he can attend this.  If not, a request to reschedule will be made.
Doug Packer, Conservation Agent stopped by and informed the board that town was taking steps to provide access to 3 35th Street.  He expected to see several plans tomorrow.  

  • Office work      - 36 Northern Blvd. Two personal property accounts have been in value since 2008.  Carrie informed the board that she is waiting for a tax dollar amount from the Treasurer’s office and will then submit the paper work to the assessors at a future meeting. 
Carrie informed the board that the Byfield Trading Company was sold on 2/20/2012.  She asked the board to close the personal property account for FY2013.  Budd made the motion to close.  Peter seconded.  All were in favor.
  • Mail – The board was advised that they had personnel paperwork to complete for the Treasurer’s office.  Budd and Peter will submit the documents needed.
        New Business:   
                Classification dates -
Classification dates were reviewed for Oct. & Nov. 2012.  November 13, 2012 was chosen for the public meeting.  Kathy will be away.  Carrie will ask if the meeting can take place with an alternative minute secretary.
Ginny will let Mark from Patriot Properties know.

Page 2                          Meeting Minutes                         September 4, 2012

Budd addressed Carrie regarding the out of office time being taken for records management at the Woodbridge School.  Having the Senior Worker cover the office was suggested.  After discussion, this was not believed to be a viable option.  Budd and Peter explained to Carrie that the unmanned office continues to be a major issue and rated it as a number one priority.  Carrie asked how to complete the records management task without being out of the office.  Budd explained that Tracy offered to have the DPW workers bring the boxes to town hall from the Woodbridge School and return them when complete.
Carrie agreed to complete the task this way.

Exemption was requested for a farm plate excise for a tree service.  Carrie informed the board that the DOR was asked and logging was considered to be a use that qualified for having an exemption. Peter made a motion to not abate the taxes.  Budd seconded.  Carrie further explained that this process had occurred with the other farm plates.  In order to be fair and equal Peter retracted his earlier motion and motioned to grant the exemption.  Budd seconded.  All were in favor. In the future Carrie will write a letter to clarify the farm excise and exemption to its participants.

At 7:05 p.m. Budd motioned to adjourn the meeting. Peter seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman                              

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